Case overview
Proaco is a leading development group in Argentina that advances building products of excellent quality with the highest standards market compliance. Choose carefully the land, allying itself with the best professionals to design projects that become trends and manage the construction, marketing and financing.
A real estate developer knows: the only way to build is from a solid foundation. That was precisely what Grupo Proaco did when facing its digital transformation process.

- More efficiency and effectiveness in tasks and processes
- Better quality of teamwork
- More motivating user experience aimed at generating ideas

The Brief
Build digital transformation on solid foundations
The pandemic forced Grupo Proaco to implement cloud solutions from Google Cloud with Meriti. Based on the experience, the company promoted a plan to digitalize its operations from end to end, a pioneer for its segment in Argentina.
Innovation is part of the DNA of Grupo Proaco, a real estate development company born in Córdoba: it was a pioneer in the Argentine real estate market in having its commercial process fully digitalized: from the promotion of products to the implementation of purchase tickets. . “We had been thinking about advancing digital transformation for a long time, but for one reason or another we were never able to materialize it,” says Martín Monforte, Commercial Manager of Grupo Proaco. “The social isolation of the first days of the 2020 quarantine accelerated decisions and marked a turning point for our company,” he adds.

Our Approach
The first conversations between Grupo Proaco and Meriti occurred before the pandemic. “At that moment we resisted change and preferred to continue with our modus operandi, until the time came when we discovered that it was not an option, but a necessity,” says Monforte. When choosing the technological partner to accompany them in That path, Meriti was positioned due to the previous relationship and because “we understood that it was the most direct line with Google Cloud,” according to Lucas Funes, Digital Transformation Manager at Grupo Proaco.
Thus, the company began to work collaboratively in the cloud with the Google Workspace solution and Google collaborative tools, abandoning its old office applications that it used in isolation. “This allows us to save time, optimize communication channels and reduce errors, while generating a different and enriching work dynamic,” admits Monforte. Among many other uses, the company structured an internal communication portal with Google Sites, reports and dashboards in Google Data Studio with integration to various data sources, tracking of tasks and workflows with Google Tasks, and surveys and opinion polls with Google. Forms.
Optimization of resources
Both, time and human, with better communication.
Greater collaboration
And consequent enrichment in the exchange of knowledge.
Various data sources are obtained through opinion polls with Google Forms.
The company structured an internal communication portal with Google Sites, reports and dashboard in Google Data Studio

The Results
The migration of folders and files from the physical server was more agile than expected and the presence of the technological partner was essential to accompany the implementation, help in the adoption, train in use and provide support in moments of uncertainty.
“One of the most valued aspects is that it opened our eyes and invited us to transform the organizational culture of the entire company: make innovation our way of thinking, managing, measuring and learning,” highlights Monforte. “The keys that guide our transformation are to include the entire organization and put data as our operations center: not only must it be more accurate, but also be available in real time for decision making,” describes Funes.
In general, Grupo Proaco’s digital transformation plan covers seven work areas: strategy, customer experience, culture, products and services, infrastructure, processes and communication. “Each one is activated through programs that involve short, medium and long-term objectives and, at the same time, we approach projects with transversal teams, working collaboratively, flexibly and adopting, as we train, agile methodologies and with medium-term results,” concludes Funes.

One of the most valued aspects is that it opened us
the gaze and invited us to transform the culture
organization of the entire company: make the
innovation our way of thinking, managing, measuring
and learn.