Case overview
The healthcare provider SanCor Salud was born 47 years ago to provide its customers with quality health service with 500 locations across the country.
Thanks to Google Workspace tools, SanCor Salud achieves digital transformation thanks to the implementation of collaborative work among its collaborators.

- Improves the productivity and collaboration of 2,000 employees
- +91% positive user experience
- Change management based on clear messages, focused on leadership and employee participation.

The Brief
SanCor Salud is one of the largest groups dedicated to medical care in Argentina. With more than 190,000 highly trained professionals, it seeks to provide personalized and humane attention in its more than 15,000 specialized centers throughout the country.
Focused on what matters most—health—the company has consistently sought to innovate and enhance the experiences of its associates. Over the past four years, a key challenge has been supporting the group’s growth through digital transformation. This process aims to equip employees with collaborative tools to streamline their tasks and foster a culture of collaboration and change within the company.
To help them in the task of streamlining their processes, it was necessary to work in an interdisciplinary manner, since one of the factors that the company identified before the implementation of Google Workspace was that each area of the company had its own work scheme and did not interact. with the others.
To produce a profound change in the company’s culture, it was necessary not only to provide cloud tools but also to create training spaces for the adoption of Google solutions.
“Adoption is key for us. Digital transformation works if people adopt the culture behind each tool,” says Martin Beltramone, head of Infrastructure and Technology at SanCor Salud.

Our Approach
After analyzing several cloud technology solutions, SanCor Salud decided to implement Google Workspace and trusted Meriti to build a bridge between the company’s tools and collaborators.
In addition, SanCor Salud identified that many of its employees already used some Google tools in a particular way, such as Gmail. This not only implied an advantage when it came to implementation but was also key to another of the company’s objectives.
The first step in this culture change involved a transversal process, for which the commitment of all collaborators was necessary. “In our Healthy Leadership model we enhance trust to replace control tasks in certain instances,” says Miretti. “Precisely for this reason it was strategic for all management to be involved in the change and to have an active role in the day-to-day operations from the beginning of the implementation.”
In this way, SanCor Salud, with the help of Meriti, approached change management carefully, with clear messages, focused on leadership and employee participation.
- Creation of internal sites for different areas
- Average opening of 73% in created sites
- Adoption of tools compatible with mobile devices over 800 sales advisors
- Almost 30 training spaces in one month

The Results
The Google Workspace implementation began by migrating all workers’ six-month-old emails from the old server to Gmail.
To facilitate the process, the company created 8 training classrooms in its own corporate university, UNI, with 96% participation, 4 monthly virtual meetings for management and 9 Google Workspace Spaces for quick consultations. The result: a total of almost 30 training spaces in one month, which guaranteed a simple and safe migration. Collaborators quickly adopted Google Workspace naturally and enthusiastically, and began a highly collaborative work phase.
The second step of the implementation of Google Workspace was marked by the need to keep all employees communicated within the framework of the pandemic. For this reason, SanCor Salud quickly implemented Calendar and Meet for virtual work team meetings.
For Esteban Pairola, head of Advertising at SanCor Salud, using Google Workspace is like “everyone speaking the same language.” In addition, he highlighted that another of the tools that made his work easier is Forms, since it allows many people to carry out questionnaires in a simple and fast way.
Video calls
in 2 months
Documents migrated
to Drive
Save per year on paper planner purchases thanks to Calendars

Today all teams are using Calendar. We can know what hours each person is working and when they are available. The simplicity of the platform to solve the fact of scheduling and creating the meeting in Meet in a very intuitive way is essential.